we're building AdventureVans!
introducing ZENVANZ! Much like when we started our little architectural design business zenbox design, it's simply too hard to say no to something that we have a huge passion for, that we can do with friends/neighbors, and that could also provide some padding in the old bank account. Looks like we may have stumbled upon another one of those opportunities!
I originally tried to design our sprintervan interior as a modular "plug and play" kit that anyone could buy and install in their own van as part of a DIY campervan project. It simply made sense to me that others would want something in between the very expensive builds that have a 2 year waiting list and the DIY home build with a jigsaw (exactly how we started oh so many years ago).
I also knew that we would need to be able to remove/add/change the components in our build depending on season or as our lifestyle changed, and assumed others might want the same type of flexibility.
As we visited events this like Overland Expo West, Sprinterfest, the NW Overland Rally and a few Vanlife Gatherings this summer people were drawn to our build and showered us with compliments like "best of show", and "the best sprinter campervan" they've seen, but nobody seemed interested in buying a kit. Instead everyone who saw the van was very clear that they wanted us to build their van from scratch and drop it off, and many simply wanted to buy our van and drive it away on the spot.
We knew months ago that we had put our sprinter build through the paces long enough in our 4 season travel over the last year and a half to fee fully confident in the product we could offer to customers... and some of those offers were really sounding attractive! Only problem was that we have long been committed to choosing lifestyle over money, and building out adventurevans also means months spent in a shop... We just weren't in a place to say yes to that in the middle of our summer playing volleyball and filled with sunshine and friends.
But... with the changing of seasons came a more open mind. After many requests and much coaxing both from those interested in buying vans and from some dear friends and fellow entrepreneurs (who also happen to have excellent skillsets to bring to the table) we decided that spending our fall and spring building out a few high end custom campervans with friends sounded like a blast!
Not a ton of details yet, but the planning phase is well underway. We have launched the ZENVANZ website, started designing business cards and answering calls/emails from interested parties. The conversations are electric and the direction and energy couldn't be any more exciting. We're thrilled to take what we started with our overland sprinter build and move it forward for others to enjoy as well!!
Our plan is to make ZENVANZ the top of the line, premiere luxury custom 4x4 sprinter campervan in the market. That means first and foremost (finally) finishing all the systems and details we've had on the drawing board since initially building out our sprinter but have been too busy traveling and playing to build. After that we'll move onto a few new 4x4 sprinters and model them after ours (with a few surprises in store!).
If you're interested in our new endeavors... keep an eye on our new instagram feed @ZENVANZ for exciting details to come, and let us know if there's some component you've always wanted in your own dream sprinter campervan or overland vehicle!!