Schnebly Hill Road
we just can't leave sedona We never even planned on stopping in Sedona, much less staying...but the landscape was simply too lovely for us to be in a hurry and we really had nowhere to be, so we convinced Rich and Ash to join us on an excursion us Schnebly hill road, which we caught a few glimpses of through photos and social media over the last few days.
Probably more offroad than we typically seek out (lets be honest, we have a 4x4 mostly for the ability to et just 1 mile further lost than the last camper we pass and to make sure we are safe or can get out of whatever conditions/weather we happen to find ourselves in... not for rock crawling) but the views looked amazing and the drive sounded pretty fun.
We turned off onto the trail, aired down the tires and set out on what ended up being about an hour of really rough terrain. The sprinter handled it great and other than the offroad tour jeeps we hardly passed another vehicle. The road gains elevation quickly and views looking down over the valley and the towering red rock buttes are exquisite.
Finally at the summit, jen and I pulled over to pour a cocktail, watched an epic sunset over hanging over the cliff, and watching the colors change on the valley and red rocks beyond. Eventually we welcomed Rich and Ash as they made their way up the hill after a few local hikes. Not so many years ago we would have joined them. Jumped at the chance to take in this landscape and wildnerness on foot, but with Karma getting up in years (she's turning 90 soon) we obviously find ourselves doing less hiking and activity as we move through an area. We obviously miss it, but wouldn't even consider leaving her in the car for that long in this heat and rarely choose to brea up the family. ;)
We had another great evening (and another delicious dinner) with friends and finally called it a night. In the morning we watched sunrise over the valley, made breakfast and then "ripped the band aid of"f to head our separate ways.
We know we'll see them again soon!